Copsewood Editorial Services

Editorial Portfolio

Websites & New Media

In her capacity as in-house Web Editor for the Community Education Development Centre, Amanda had overall responsibility for two of the charity's websites: and

Her role involved commissioning and editing articles, image research and copyright clearance, copywriting, updating events and news pages using CMS, arranging and attending editorial board meetings, and managing the work of the web designer.

The skills she developed have been put to good use in her work with businesses, charities and non-governmental organisations wishing to enhance their online presence.

Clients include:

New media

Amanda has worked with the company Cultrex Cultural Explorer, to edit the narrative for a self-guided tour of both Sophia Hagia, Istanbul, and Cambridge, UK, using smartphone app technology.

She is currently developing a series of self-guided tours entitled: Coventry's Medieval Treasures: a digital discovery. Click here for further details.